Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's Not A Bad Thing To Get Professional

Barring annoying resolutionaries at the gym, New Years has always been a time of rebirth, excitement, and obscene alcoholism.
This year, this year is no different. The Semantic has large, non-descript plans for 2009. Hopefully, you will like our large, non-descript plans, but if you don’t, we’re banking on a bailout. We figure that if the porn industry warrants one, we most definitely deserve a break. Who needs grad school when one can amass money courtesy of the tax payers?

Not I, says the philosophy major. Not I.

Speaking of world institutions collapsing, I urge every single one of you, readers, to educate yourselves on the brutal happenings in the Middle East. Sarcastic tone aside, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has grown continually more barbaric - and there’s no end in sight. In the past 15 days, 875 Palestinians have been killed, 3695 injured - and those are the ones that are reported. Massive bloodshed in the Middle East, a failing economic order, and the problems left by the Bush government put a preemptive damper on 2009. It’s imperative that we call for peace via any means we have.  That, or we count the days it takes for the world to blow itself up.

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